Almond Toffee (Knäck)

My internet was down yesterday thus no post, but here it is, a Swedish classic that get stuck in your teeth!

Makes 100 (if you are using 25mm cases) 

image (5)

This is what you need;

250 g double cream
250 g golden syrup
250 g caster sugar
100 g chopped mixed nuts

This is how you do it!

Firstly, put all your cases on a baking trey so you don’t have to fiddle with that. Then put everything into a saucepan, except the nuts, then biol until it reaches 125 c degrees, put to one side and mix in the nuts and use a tsp to transfer the toffee into the cases. Leave to set and then transfer into a jar or cellophane bags to give away.

Enjoy x


THE ultimate Christmas bake!

This dough made about 30 biscuits and a fairytale house.


This is what you need;

225g unsalted butter
12 tbsp golden syrup 200g caster sugar
100g light muscovado sugar
1tsp all spice
2 tsp ground ginger
3 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp milk
900g plain flour
3 tsp bicarbonate soda

This recipe is super easy to make and give quite the result.
This is how you do it;

Preheat the oven to 180 fan, gas mark 4. Put butter, syrup and sugar into a sauce pan, over  medium heat stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Take the pan off the heat and stir in the spices, once fully incorporated put your flour and stir vigorously add the milk to make the dough smoother.Leave to cool before you roll out to £1 tick cookies, bake in the middle of the oven  for 9 min, depending on your oven but they burn pretty quick so keep an eye on them.

If you are making a ginger bread house make sure that all the pieces are of equal thickness and make your blueprints before you start. If you want the measurements that I used just email me and I’ll send them over.

For the piping, mix 500g icing sugar, 2 egg whites and 1 tsp lemon juice divide into bowls and add 2 drops of the food colouring of your liking.

This is the perfect past time and if you have kids I can promise that this will keep the occupied for a few hours.
Enjoy x

A little tip, take a straw and make a hole in the ginger bread before baking and they will make fantastic place cards, Tree decorations and Christmas present tags.


Gingerbread And Clementine Cupcakes

Happy advent 1st!
It’s December 1st and I am super excited for this years first Christmas bake.


Makes 25

  • For the sponge

170g of self-rising flour
170g soft butter (if it’s still hard, use a fork and mash it until soft)
150g brown sugar
3 medium eggs (room temperature)
1 big tsp baking powder
1tsp ground ginger
1tsp cinnamon
1tsp ground all spice
1tbsp golden syrup

  • For the butter cream

450g icing sugar
475 unsalted butter (soft)
2 eggs
2 clementines, zest and juice.

Let’s start baking

Preheat your oven to 180 fan, gas mark 4.5, prepare your cupcake tray and start making the sponge.
Start by whisking butter, sugar and golden syrup, then add the eggs one by one until the butter mix is smooth. Sift flour, ginger, allspice, cinnamon and baking powder into the butter mix.

Divide the mixture into 25 cupcake cases and bake in the middle of the oven for 15-20 minutes.
Whilst this is baking away start making the butter cream.

Put sugar, butter  in a bowl and mix until fluffy, start adding the confectionery sugar gradually once incorporated add the eggs one by one and mix for 3 minutes / egg to create a light and fluffy cream, then pour in your juice and zest and mix well.
