Almond Toffee (Knäck)

My internet was down yesterday thus no post, but here it is, a Swedish classic that get stuck in your teeth!

Makes 100 (if you are using 25mm cases) 

image (5)

This is what you need;

250 g double cream
250 g golden syrup
250 g caster sugar
100 g chopped mixed nuts

This is how you do it!

Firstly, put all your cases on a baking trey so you don’t have to fiddle with that. Then put everything into a saucepan, except the nuts, then biol until it reaches 125 c degrees, put to one side and mix in the nuts and use a tsp to transfer the toffee into the cases. Leave to set and then transfer into a jar or cellophane bags to give away.

Enjoy x